Jupiter Moves in the Sign of Leo on 14th July, 2015

Jupiter – The most beneficial planet in Astrology is moving into the sign of Leo on 14th July, 2015 for a year. Jupiter is one planet that bestows divine grace, luck, opportunities, optimism, wisdom, abundance and protection. It has been in the sign of Cancer since last year where it is exalted. By its movement in the sign of a friendly planet, Sun, it is forming a partial Shiv Raj Yoga. It is believed to be one of the finest positions for Jupiter. It gives a natural sense of generosity and sincerity especially to those in the position of authority.
Astrological Consultation
Now that the planet of fortune and good luck is moving into a fire sign, it will have a different impact on every individual based on their Moon Signs.

Aries: Jupiter will be in your 5th house of children, creativity, education and past life karmas. This ensures a loving relationship and understanding with children. Spiritual learning and wisdom will be on agenda. Making money could be relatively easier.  Your creativity will be on the rise, this will naturally make to lucky in the matters of love.
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Jupiter Moves in the Sign of Leo on 14th July, 2015